AIS International School

Chairman's Message


Dato' Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Khalid Al Msafir

As the Chairman of AIS International School, it brings me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. At AIS, we are deeply committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience that not only nurtures the talents, interests, and aspirations of our students but also instills in them a lifelong appreciation for learning.

Our innovative approach to education, which encompasses a hybrid teaching system combining in-person and online classes, ensures that our students receive a continuous education, regardless of their circumstances. This flexibility allows us to adapt to the diverse needs of our students and maintain educational continuity even in the face of unforeseen events.

Central to our commitment to excellence is the Strategic Committee, comprised of seasoned educators, administrators, and stakeholders. This committee plays a vital role in analyzing current practices, identifying areas for improvement, and formulating effective strategies to enhance the overall educational experience for our students.

We believe in a collaborative and data-driven approach, gathering valuable input and feedback from instructors, parents, and students alike. Through exhaustive research and analysis, we stay abreast of emerging trends and technological advances in education, ensuring that our strategies are always aligned with the desires and requirements of our community.

Our collaborations with numerous universities provide countless benefits and opportunities for both our institution and our students. From professional development opportunities for our staff to access to qualified interns, these partnerships enrich the educational experience we offer.

Furthermore, initiatives such as the AIS mini-zoo, the renovation of our Primary Campus, and the establishment of cultural residences underscore our dedication to providing a modern and compelling learning environment that fosters cultural diversity and mutual understanding.

At AIS, we recognize the importance of equipping our students with essential skills such as financial literacy and robotics, which are integral to navigating today’s society successfully.

Our Heritage Department ensures the preservation of our school’s history and the effective incorporation of our new logo into all marketing and communications materials, while our After-School Child Care Programme provides a secure and nurturing environment for students until their parents can retrieve them.

Ultimately, it is our exceptional educators who are the cornerstone of our educational journey’s success. They are devoted guides who inspire and motivate our students toward academic excellence.

Together, let us continue to strive for educational excellence, instilling inquiry in each student and shaping the minds that will lead us to a brighter future.