AIS International School

Fee Structure

School Fees 2023/24 Academic Year

All fees are in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

Application Fee

Non-refundable and payable when your child’s application is submitted. An application is not considered complete until this fee has been paid. The fee is only valid for the school year for which the application is submitted.

RM 350

Early Years
LevelTuition FeeSemester Fee (Tuition Fee + Resource Fee)
Preschool 1 - Preschool 24,0154,915

View detailed fees for Early Years (International Students)

View detailed fees for Early Years (Malaysian Students)

LevelTuition FeeSemester Fee (Tuition Fee + Resource Fee)
Grade 14,1505,050
Grade 24,1505,050
Grade 34,7575,657
Grade 44,7575,657
Grade 55,1956,095
Grade 65,1956,095

View detailed fees for Primary (International Students)

View detailed fees for Primary (Malaysian Students)

LevelTuition FeeSemester Fee (Tuition Fee + Resource Fee)
Grade 76,1907,090
Grade 86,1907,090
Grade 96,1907,090

View detailed fees for Secondary (International Students)

View detailed fees for Secondary (Malaysian Students)

O' Levels
LevelTuition FeeSemester Fee (Tuition Fee + Resource Fee)
Grade 107,5608,460
Grade 117,5608,460

View detailed fees for O’ Levels (International Students)

View detailed fees for O’ Levels (Malaysian Students)

A' Levels

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